This past weekend, the CVFT Production Team held rehearsal at
River Valley Dance Academy for the upcoming show, "Seusical-The Musical". Each room in the building was bustling with energy and creativity. Actors, puppets, instructors, dancers, and costume fittings were organized throughout while music and laughter spilled from each room. A perfect way to spend a rainy Saturday!
Young actors prepare to rehearse a dance complete with bamboo sticks! |
Next door, set construction was underway. Nothing better than watching the Scenic Design team work while the smell of fresh cut lumber lingers in the air. "Oh, is THAT Horton's tree?!", I ask. "Yes", says Randy. "Now get outta here and no pictures". But I did get a snap of part of the bird costume apparatus that he is working on...
Jennifer Sopoci-Hardin is seen here giving me a sneak peek at the back of her costume. |
Meanwhile, back in the studio the Wickerhams, lead by Choreographer Jocelyn Braudt, are rehearsing a hilarious jungle scene in one room while Cody Braut is working with the Teen Puppet Ensemble in the next room.

This particular group, lead by lead actor, France Roberts is working on the opening scene. "This must be crisp. This must be perfect", says Cody, Puppet Designer and Instructor. "It sets the tone for the whole show."
As you can see from the picture, the scene entails the actors using their bodies as
something (I won't spoil it -but it is super cool). They hold their arms like that for awhile (especially in rehearsal!). Cody tells them they need to lift weights at home to help with this scene. "Use soup cans and lift them while you're watching tv", he explains to them.
As some of the actors work to perfect scenes, some of the younger actors watch patiently nearby. It's amazing how they study and watch -like sponges. There is a jovial atmosphere but the cast members are serious about their craft. They are there to work. There to make the performance the best it can be.
Braudt and his Shadow Puppetry Workshop |
Now the younger troop is up and ready to go. Cody works with each of them on puppetry skills- specifically shadow puppets for this scene. Cody dims the lights and explains the nuances of the shadow, the importance of a flat screen or surface, a good light and a steady hand.
Alterations on an inside-out Bird Girl costume |
In the next room, costumes are being altered as well. Mary Twite is seen here working on a fitting with one of the beautiful Bird Girls. Jane Herget, Costume Designer along with Twite, are currently putting the finishing touches on more than 70 costumes for the show. Many of which they have crafted by hand. The fabric and feathers I've seen so far are gorgeous, lively colors. Just like you'd imagine Seuss to be.
Sets, actors, costumes, instructors, etc. Things are gearing up and the show is set to be absolutely fantastic. As always, I will put ticket information below but also wanted to let you know we will be onsite this weekend at
Excelsior's Art on the Lake. Please stop by our "Seuss-Booth", next to the Kids' Art Tent, where you will be able to see some of our puppet creations up close!
Chaska Valley Family Theatre Lover & Ensemble Singer Extraordinaire