Audition Notes From The Directors
Chaska Valley Family
Theatre’s “Annie” and “All Hands on Deck” auditions are just around the corner
- (September 9th & 10th). It’s an exciting time for CVFT Directors as
well as for those of us coming to the audition.
As I prepare my own family
for this sometimes scary/exciting and always nerve-racking endeavor, I remind
myself there is never a bad audition experience. Get out there and do it, I
say…it is all a learning experience whether you land the role or not. However,
let’s be honest, a house full of tears is not fun either.
So, this time around, II
decided to tap into our delightfully seasoned network of CVFT Directors to ask
for a bit of audition advice. Here is what they had to say:
Jim Lund |
strong! Directors generally make a decision within the first ten or fifteen
seconds. Establish your character before you begin to sing or speak.”
Jim Lund, Director CVFT’s Laughingstock
–Summer 2014
first audition is so terrifying you may swear you will never put yourself
through it again, but don't worry, first-timers. The veterans and
professionals are just as terrified as you are. And you will probably do
it again."
Paula Atkins, CVFT Founder/Director CVFT
a director across the table, actors sometimes feel like I'm the enemy. But,
what actors have to know is that I'M ON YOU'RE SIDE. I want you to do your best
and to succeed (maybe even more than you). It makes the job I have much easier
and way more fun.”
kind and professional. 100% of the time I will cast the person who will be the
best work with over the person who is the most talented."
Kyle Thomas, Director of CVFT ‘s “Annie” 2013
Bill Coldwell |
often ask, after not getting cast for a role they wanted: “what could I have done differently in my audition?”
If you
prepared yourself mentally, chose a song that best reflected your vocal range
and ability, read or danced well, and did everything else you could do, then
the answer is: “probably nothing.” It really all depends on who
else is competing for the role.
We can learn a
lot of things by participating in theater, and unfortunately, one of these is
that things don’t always go our way. Learning how to bounce back from
disappointment is valuable skill that will last a lifetime.”
Bill Coldwell, Board of Directors, President/Director
of CVFT’s “All Hands on Deck” 2013 & “It’s a Wonderful Life” 2012
Kevin Spencer |
prepared: Know the show. Know the music. Have all of your conflicts for the
rehearsal period available for the director.
confidence - make eye contact and smile.
Show that
you have a lot of energy.
Show that you
have a positive attitude and a willingness to do whatever is necessary to
create a positive experience for everyone.”
Kevin Spencer, Director CVFT’s “Frog & Toad”
2014, “Cinderella” 2011
need to realize that the people behind the table have already spent long hours
on the show just to get to this point. It is only courteous for you to put in
some effort yourself.
auditions require bringing a piece to perform in front of the creative staff.
For this, prepare a song ahead of time. Don't rely on someone else in the
room to provide music for you. If you show up unprepared for an audition,
it reflects badly on you, and shows us you may not be a person to
depend on in the future. You don't need to bring music for an
accompanist, though almost always there will be someone who can play along for
you. If you have sheet music, realize that you will only sing a verse of the
song. If we let everyone perform their song in whole, auditions would take
weeks! Think ahead of time which section of the song you want to perform that
showcases your talents (consider your vocal range, how you project and
enunciate your voice, etc.)
Guthrie Horgan & Jenny Boothroyd-Director, CVFT's "Wizard of Oz" 2014 |
But the
greatest asset you can bring into an audition is confidence. If I see someone
who gets up and sings with verve and gusto, even if they make mistakes in
their song, I am more willing to remember that person than someone who meekly
muddles their way through a song. Practice in the shower, in front of friends,
even in front of strangers (which is its best option, since you would be doing
that for a show anyway).
And never
forget, in the end we are here to have fun through it all, so don't take
it too seriously."
Guthrie Horgan, Director CVFT’s Music Man 2013
I hope these words of wisdom
help you as much as it has us. In addition, we found a great online database to
help us prep for our 16 to 20 measures.
allows you to search songs based on your vocal range and interests. We also found
our sheet music at the beloved Chan Library as well as online at Looking forward to
seeing you on the stage, behind the scenes or in the theater!
P.S. I would also add that
one of the key attributes of the CVFT mission is family participation –either
on stage or behind the scenes. The family that auditions and/or volunteers
together does have a better chance being cast in a Chaska Valley Family Theatre
show. Please be sure to check out the volunteer signup sheets at the auditions!